Business Philosophy

I think it's important to include a section on my business philosophy
(how and why I do my work the way I do) because there are some situations
where my expertise is more applicable than others.

Most importantly,  I am Quality oriented,  not Quantity.  This is
an important distiction to make because most information workers fall
somewhere in the middle of this spectrum with Quality on one side
and Quantity on the other.  I fall closest to the Quality side.

This is better (I believe) in the information age than being Quantity
oriented.  The reason is because Quantity-oriented people measure their
ability (technical or otherwise) on how much they know.  There are many
information workers that focus on learning as much as they can as quickly
as they can and then brag about it to their coworkers so that they are
seen as 'more knowledgable' than others.  This sounds great,  but not if
10-20% of the time they are wrong!  Imagine trying to depend on someone's
advice if 1 out of 5 times they are wrong.  You would tend to eventually
ignore his advice and he would be useless.

On the otherhand, being Quality oriented, the quantity of knowledge is
important but the focus is on making sure as much as possible of what you
know is correct.  It also means that an understanding of a problem is as
close to the reality as possible.  A Quality-oriented information worker
would be far more careful about the information he conveys and contributes,
and may be right >99% of the time,  but unfortunately it may take longer
to get an answer than with a Quantity person.

But I am convinced that in the end Quality saves more time and money
than Quantity.  On the otherhand it is more likely to go unappreciated.
Nevertheless,  the reward is in getting the job done right.

(This page is under construction)

- Charlton Harrison -

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